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Euro Oil Pakistan

Our downstream investment in Pakistan

In October 2020, BB Energy Downstream invested in Euro Oil (Pvt) Ltd, an oil marketing company in Pakistan selling gasoline and diesel from a network of retail stations in the Punjab region.

Euro Oil operates 141 retail stations and one storage depot with a capacity of 7,000 MT. It has plans to roll out a network of 375 retail stations and c. 50,000 MT combined storage depots in the main demand centres of the country, including Machike, Daulatpur and Taru Jabba over five years. BB Energy is one of the main suppliers of products to Euro Oil.

BB Energy’s long-term strategy for Pakistan focuses on increasing our commitment to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply and distribution. Along with our local partners, BB Energy has established a new entity, Euro Gas, and is obtaining the permits to import and distribute both LPG and LNG in Pakistan. Our aim is to become a significant energy supplier to this important country and establish an optimised supply chain to import, store and distribute the oil products through an innovative retail network, and to supply LPG and LNG to off-grid industries and stations.

BB Energy’s role is as an investor and the company does not have operational control of Euro Oil (Pvt) Ltd.


Euro Oil

2nd Floor, Fountain Avenue Building
64-A, Main Boulevard
Gulberg, Lahore

T: +92 42 352 53501


Service Stations


Fuel Storage